
Sarina Dickson

About the author

Sarina Dickson

Sarina Dickson (Author)

Sarina Dickson is a number 1 bestselling writer, artist and educator. She has enjoyed a varied and creative working life, which has led to connections and collaborations with experts in publishing, mental health and wellness, education, illustration, printing, video production, public art, book design, disaster relief and tertiary research. Her writing has been highly commended in the Scribbles Creative Writing Awards.

You can find Sarina on Instagram @Creating_In_The_Cracks or Twitter @Sarina_Dickson_

Ant Sang (Illustrator)

Ant Sang is an award-winning artist and designer based in Auckland, New Zealand. People will recognise his work from the animated series Bro' Town and the graphic novel Shaolin Burning. His comics have been published in the US, UK, Canada, France, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand.

You can find Ant on Instagram @antsang_art

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